Detail Phone Holder Mobil Kaca Spion Mirror Rearview Car Stent Mount HP GPS
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Dengan Car Holder ini, anda dapat menaruh Smartphone PDA, CCTV Atau GPS anda dengan aman di kaca spion tengah mobil anda. Produk ini dapat diaplikasikan untuk berbagai macam HP dan smartphone. Design produk ini sangat minimalis dan keren, sehingga dapat memberikan kesan yang bagus untuk interior mobil anda. Perjalanan Anda pun menjadi lebih aman dan menyenangkan.
Bahan : Plastik ABS Ukuran HP : Max 6,5 inch / Max Lebar Hp 9cm Warna : Hitam Packing : Box Fungsi : Holder HP di Kaca Spion Tengah Mobil Keunggulan : bisa putar 360 derajat dan mudah untuk dipasang atau digunakan.
Before delivery, we will check our product first (check about the damage on the product). So, we are guarantee that our product really in good condition. If you want to complain, you must give a prove (video) from the start you open the package untill find out the damage on product. If you not give a prove then we will not accept your complain. Thank you.
- high fitness. - stable without shaking. - 360' angle adjustment. - unobstucted visual field. - compatible with multiple phones. - color : black.
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Phone Holder Mobil Kaca Spion Mirror Rearview Car Stent Mount HP GPSPhone Holder Mobil Kaca Spion Mirror Rearview Car Stent Mount HP GPSPhone Holder Mobil Kaca Spion Mirror Rearview Car Stent Mount HP GPSPhone Holder Mobil Kaca Spion Mirror Rearview Car Stent Mount HP GPSPhone Holder Mobil Kaca Spion Mirror Rearview Car Stent Mount HP GPS