Detail Philips PH-23 Universal Handsfree 3.5mm Headset | Earphone Universal With Microphone & Function Button
Headset Philips PH-23 universal jack audio Microphone internal Tombol Fungsi on/off Musik/telephone JANGAN RAGU BELI DISINI KARENA : Pengiriman cepat resi dihari yg sama saat order Sebelum barang dikirim sudah di cek mentah" dijamin kualitasnya Beli ecer harga grosir (silahkan hubungi admin) Kiriman belum sampai kami yang bantu urus sampe selesai Gampang tanpa keluar rumah untuk berbelanja dan gampang untuk diajak berdiskusi jika barang yang diterima bermasalah. Packing aman menggunakan packing dan bubble warp tebal (free) Kami selalu menempatkan keamanan, kenyamanan, dan kepercayaan anda selaku pelanggan setia Kami' sebagai prioritas utama. Garansi 1 minggu Syarat & Ketentuan Garansi Cek di Pofil Toko Kami :) Terimakasih, Ditunggu Pesanannya :)
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Philips PH-23 Universal Handsfree 3.5mm Headset | Earphone Universal With Microphone & Function ButtonPhilips PH-23 Universal Handsfree 3.5mm Headset | Earphone Universal With Microphone & Function ButtonPhilips PH-23 Universal Handsfree 3.5mm Headset | Earphone Universal With Microphone & Function ButtonPhilips PH-23 Universal Handsfree 3.5mm Headset | Earphone Universal With Microphone & Function ButtonPhilips PH-23 Universal Handsfree 3.5mm Headset | Earphone Universal With Microphone & Function ButtonPhilips PH-23 Universal Handsfree 3.5mm Headset | Earphone Universal With Microphone & Function ButtonPhilips PH-23 Universal Handsfree 3.5mm Headset | Earphone Universal With Microphone & Function ButtonPhilips PH-23 Universal Handsfree 3.5mm Headset | Earphone Universal With Microphone & Function ButtonPhilips PH-23 Universal Handsfree 3.5mm Headset | Earphone Universal With Microphone & Function Button