Detail Petzl MGO Open Connector for Safety Working at Height
MGO OPEN adalah konektor directional penguncian otomatis dengan bukaan gerbang besar untuk koneksi ke struktur logam atau ke kabel dan batang berdiameter besar. Ini memiliki titik koneksi terjaga keamanannya untuk lampiran ke berbagai jenis lanyard. Jika lanyard rusak, konektor dapat digunakan kembali.
Description : * Designed for connection to metal structures or to large-diameter cables and bars * Gated connection point allows the MGO OPEN to be directly installed at the end of ABSORBICA-I, * ABSORBICA-Y, JANE, PROGRESS or PROGRESS ADJUST-type double lanyards and GRILLON-type work positioning lanyards. If the lanyard is damaged, the connector can thus be reused * Special connection point helps keep the carabiner loaded on the major axis * Ergonomic unlocking handle * Available in two versions: - MGO OPEN 60 with wide opening (60 mm opening) - MGO OPEN 110 with very wide opening (110 mm opening)
Specifications : - Material(s): aluminum - Major axis strength : 23 kN - Open gate strength : 23 kN
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Petzl MGO Open Connector for Safety Working at HeightPetzl MGO Open Connector for Safety Working at HeightPetzl MGO Open Connector for Safety Working at HeightPetzl MGO Open Connector for Safety Working at HeightPetzl MGO Open Connector for Safety Working at Height