Petzl Falcon Mountain safety rescue harness

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Detail Petzl Falcon Mountain safety rescue harness

FALCON MOUNTAIN adalah harness duduk ultra-ringan yang dirancang untuk operasi penyelamatan yang melibatkan teknik pendakian. Titik perlekatan ventralnya memiliki jembatan tekstil untuk mobilitas saat maju dan kenyamanan saat berjalan. Desainnya sangat ringan dan nyaman, menggabungkan lingkar pinggang dan loop kaki yang ramping dan semi-kaku dengan bantalan busa 3D, yang memberikan keseimbangan optimal antara berat rendah dan kenyamanan, serta mengurangi jumlah besar. Gesper pengunci diri DOUBLEBACK pada sabuk pinggang dan loop kaki membuatnya cepat dan mudah untuk dipasang dan disesuaikan.

Description :
* Especially suited for rescue operations that involve climbing techniques:
- Ventral attachment point with textile bridge favors progression with climbing techniques and makes for comfortable walking
* Ultra-lightweight and comfortable:
- Semi-rigid, slim waistbelt and leg loops with 3D foam padding, providing optimal comfort-to-weight ratio and reduced bulk
- Waistbelt is slimmer at the hip for greater comfort and ease during approaches or when working on the ground
- Textile side attachment points, for occasional use, limit bulk and weight
* Ergonomic:
- Waistbelt and leg loops equipped with small self-locking DOUBLEBACK buckles for quick and easy adjustment
- Possible to install the RING2RING accessory on the ventral attachment point for better equipment organization (lanyard(s), descender, rope clamp, chest harness, or other equipment)
- Rear plastic buckle allows a TOP or TOP CROLL L chest harness to be attached
- Four equipment loops: two large rigid ones in front for easy access to gear, and two small flexible ones in back that will not interfere with wearing a backpack
- Two slots for CARITOOL tool holder

Specifications :
- Material(s): Nylon, polyester, aluminum
- Ventral attachment point: Yes
- Lateral attachment points: Yes
- Rear attachment point on the waistbelt: Yes
- Certification(s): CE EN 813, CE EN 358, CE EN 12277 type C, UKCA, EAC, ASTM F1772

Gambar produk

Petzl Falcon Mountain safety rescue harness
Petzl Falcon Mountain safety rescue harness
Petzl Falcon Mountain safety rescue harness
Petzl Falcon Mountain safety rescue harness
Petzl Falcon Mountain safety rescue harness
Petzl Falcon Mountain safety rescue harness
Petzl Falcon Mountain safety rescue harness
Petzl Falcon Mountain safety rescue harness

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