Detail Petwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Bulldog - Dog Shampoo
1'st in Indonesia: Customization Shampoo
Product features: moisturizing and beautifying hair, removing body odor, preventing skin diseases.
Bulldog customization: a formula specially developed for the skin diseases of bulldogs and the characteristics of straight, short, flat and tight coat. Using natural eucalyptus leaf oil and tea tree oil can not only kill bacteria, but also enhance the skin's immunity, which is gentle, non-irritating and easy to clean. Eliminate body odor and skin diseases caused by bacteria and fungi, and at the same time promote the growth of new skin tissues, and gently clean hair bacteria and dirt residues. Effectively remove body odor for more than 7 days, with the effect of leaving fragrance, deodorizing and sterilizing.
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Petwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Bulldog - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Bulldog - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Bulldog - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Bulldog - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Bulldog - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Bulldog - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Bulldog - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Bulldog - Dog Shampoo