Detail Petwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Beagle - Dog Shampoo
1'st in Indonesia: Customization Shampoo
Product features: remove bacteria and remove body odor, prevent hair from entanglement and shed hair, beauty hair and skin care.
Beagle Dog Custom: For the bushy short bristles of Beagle dogs, natural eucalyptus and tea tree oil are added, which can kill bacteria and enhance the immunity of the skin. It is gentle, non-irritating and easy to clean. Eliminates body odor and skin diseases caused by bacteria and fungi, and promotes the growth of new tissues in the skin and hair, and gently cleanses the hair of bacteria and dirt residues. It leaves fragrance for 7 days and has no tears. Designed for Beagles
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Petwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Beagle - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Beagle - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Beagle - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Beagle - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Beagle - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Beagle - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Beagle - Dog ShampooPetwish Shampo Anjing 500ML - Beagle - Dog Shampoo