Detail Pet disinfectant sanitizer hewan botanical Timmy Poppies
Botanical Pet Sanitizer - Timmypoppies
Varian : 250 ml
Kill 99,9% of germs in seconds with Natural Essential Oils
100% Safe for daily use Alcohol Free Hypoallergentic (cocok untuk kulit sensitif) Lickable & Non-toxic Antibacterial, Antifungal, & Antiviral
Alcohol Free but Kills 99,9% of germs. Using botanical antiseptic ingredients and natural essential oil that acts as sanitizer, deodorizer, and anti-bacterial that are safe for animals. Easy to use and carry to keep your pets protected from harmful germs & viruses.
How To Use : Pull down the safety lock. Gently spray on the part you want to sanitize and disinfect. Avoid eyes, mouth, and open wounds. Use for dogs & cats above 2 months of age.
*Geser dan turunkan pengait pengaman pada botol. Kemudian semprotkan merata di area yang ingin kita sanitasi atau sterilkan.
*Hindari mata, mulut, dan luka terbuka.
*Anjing & Kucing disarankan sudah lebih diatas 2 bulan
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Pet disinfectant sanitizer hewan botanical Timmy Poppies