Deskripsi Pensil Warna Faber Castell Watercolour 24 Warna Faber Castell Watercolour (Aquarell) 24 Colours
Terdiri dari 24 Warna Merupakan pensil warna cat air
Classic hexagonal coloured pencil with break resistant lead. Due to the water-soluble pigments in the lead you can create fantastic effects. Reforested wood-color Ecopencils High quality pigments of unsurpassed light-fastness and brilliance Soft colour stroke and Break- resistant due to SV bonding Soluble in water
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Pensil Warna Faber Castell 24 WatercolourPensil Warna Faber Castell 24 WatercolourPensil Warna Faber Castell 24 WatercolourPensil Warna Faber Castell 24 Watercolour