Detail Pel Sodok Sponge Q2 Magic Cleaner Mop Original Termurah
Berat = 800 Gram Alat pel serba guna Magic Cleaner Sponge !! ( Tipe per pada bagian tangkai memiliki per sehingga menghasilkan pemerasan yang maksimal )
Membersihkan dengan mudah segala bentuk cairan lantai kamar mandi, Busa menyerap sempurna dan dapat langsung di keringkan.. Tarik tuas dan air mengalir.. Sangat cocok untuk area basah di kamar mandi anda.. Dapat memaksimalkan pemerasan karena di lengkapi perbagi an hebdle pemeras sponge #pel #pelanlantai #alatpelsponge #alatpelmurah #alatpelserbaguna #alatpelperasotomatis
- This product adheres a special sponge which is invented to absorb water easily - This product has a most effective function to eliminate a spoiled water or dirts. - This product's solidly made body part and frame are made of "CARBON ALKUMINIUM METAL", especially designed to squeeze water easily - This product has passed through the rigid performance test by KOREA
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Pel Sodok Sponge Q2 Magic Cleaner Mop Original TermurahPel Sodok Sponge Q2 Magic Cleaner Mop Original Termurah