Detail Peci Miki Hat DEWASA Topi Peci Miki Hat Kopiah Peci TAWHEED
We have identified a great opportunity for you to make more GMV by sourcing a specific set of assortment! We recommend looking through the target assortment criteria below and working on trying to get this assortment to your potential buyers. Your KAM has selected a due date for the price change and potentially a reward! Let’s get that assortment and get more sales! MIKI HAT PREMIUM -Jahitan rapih dan kuat, sejuk nyaman dipakai dan sangat exclusiveSablon dicetak timbul dari bahan flock / fleck yang merekat kuat lentur & tidak akan luntur. *Details Produk:- Bahan Rafel Berkualitas Distro High Quality Premium & Sangat Exclusive - Sablon Flocking / flecking. - Casual & Trendy. - Cocok Di Pakai Lelaki Perempuan Dan Anak Umur 12 Ke Atas - SIZE : ALL SIZE Bisa di atur ukurannya. *untuk costum nama atau design harap konfirmasi chat terlebih dahulu,nanti admin akan mengirimkan link produk khusus costem desaign,untuk custem desaign pada produk diluar costum desaign tidak akan kami layani.