2 Port RS-232 Serial Port COM PCI-E Card chipset WCH CH382
Ideal for connecting to modem, cellular phone, PDA, ISDN terminal adapter, satellite receiver, graphic tablet, bar code scanner, label printer, automated teller machine, GPS, finger print identification, Infra-Red transceiver, packet radio, magnetic card reader, Pos devices, multi-modem dial-up server, digital camera, automation interface, and card reader.
Keeps old Serial devices alive
Feature and Spec :
Allows to connect more serial devices to your computer easily. Stable and reliable chipset WCH CH382L + Signal enhancement chip Standard RS-232 DB9 male serial port compliant. Compliant with Single-Lane (x1) PCI-Express specification revision 1.0a. Supports 2.5Gbps PCI-E bus with full duplex channel. 2 external RS-232 DB9 male serial ports available. transmission speed 110 s/d 230400 Bps Operating System: Windows 2000/ XP /Sever 2003 / XP 64 bit / Vista / Win7 Linux , Dos , Mac.
Isi Paket :
1 X 2 Port RS-232 Serial Port PCI-E Card. 1 X CD Driver