Dear agan n sista yg lagi nyari PC GAMING maupun browsing, googling, kami tawarkan kembali PC baru harga terjangkau dengan spesifikasi
Spesifikasi :
*Intel core i5 3470 3,0ghz cache 4mb *MOTHERBOARD H61 AMPTRON / MEJEC *Ddr3 8gb *Hdd 500GB *Vga External Gt 730 4gb *Casing POWER UP STD / ORION STD *Psu 500w *Monitor LED 19" LIBERA *Usb wifi *Keyboard mouse standar RGB
Os dan Software Terinstal - Windows 10 Pro 64BIT - Adobe Photoshop CS6 - Adobe Premier Pro - Microsoft Office 2016 - Coreldraw X4 - Aimpplayer,Potplayer, Ccleaner, Avastantivirus,Modzila Firefox, IDM, total Video converter, DLL
Game :
-GTA V -Mobile Legend -Rise of Tomb Ridder -Need for speed Rivals -Need for speed Rivals -Call Of Duty -Far cry -Battelfield 2 -Assassins Creed Brotherhood -dll
Kelengkapan : CPU,Kabel Power CPU -PES 2017 -PB garena mobile legend gta v