Dear agan n sista yg lagi nyari PC buat office maupun gaming, kami tawarkan kembali PC baru harga terjangkau dengan spesifikasi
Spesifikasi : * Processor AMD Ryzen 3200G 3,5GhZ max boost 3,7Ghz Deneb Quadcore Cache 4MB *Motherboard Asrock A320HDV *RAM/Memory 8GB DDR4 *HDD 1TB seagate slim *VGA INTERNAL intergrated Atiradeon Radeon Vega8 (4Cpu + 6 GPU Cores) Grapich UP to 2GB Vram. *Case Armageddon with 3fan led *PSU 450watt Black armageddon
Game :
-GTA V -Watch Dog2 -Rise of Tomb Ridder -Need for speed Rivals -PES 2017 -PB garena -Call Of Duty -Far cry -Battelfield 2 -Assassins Creed Liberation Hd -Assassins Creed Brotherhood -dll
Os dan Software Terinstal - Windows 10 Pro 64BIT - Adobe Photoshop CS6 - Adobe Premier Pro - AutoCad - Microsoft Office 2016 - Coreldraw X4 - Aimpplayer,Potplayer, Ccleaner, Avastantivirus,Modzila Firefox, IDM, total Video converter, DLL
Kelengkapan : CPU,Kabel Power CPU GARANSI RESMI 1 TAHUN #Ada kendala nanti kita Bantu sampe beres #penilaian 3bintang ke bawah Garansi Hangus