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.The Brushes and Patterns are not only good looking but they save a lot of time. With few clicks you can make simple but beautiful illustrations. They are absolutely useful for every pattern maker. Check the preview image with kitchen stuff for example.
Normally, you would spend a lot of time drawing elements by hand, converting them into vector and they would be very hard to adjust. But with my no-stretch brushes, you can draw easily without losing the hand-made quality.
What you will get:
50 no-stretched (pattern-based) brushes for Illustrator. High quality in details but easy to handle! You will get a wide range of brushes - from inkers to ornamental brushes! If you are using the CC version of Illustrator, you will have access to autogenerated corners, so you can make frames and sharp angles without messing. If you are using CS version of Illustrator, you don’t have corners (affects you when drawing rectangle frames) but there is quick tutorial how to trick to Illustrator :) So don’t be worried! 60 fully customizable pattern swatches easy to use in illustrations. PDF tutorial with useful tips how to use and custom the patterns. And create new ones!
Gambar produk
Patts Brush Collection For IllustratorPatts Brush Collection For IllustratorPatts Brush Collection For IllustratorPatts Brush Collection For IllustratorPatts Brush Collection For IllustratorPatts Brush Collection For IllustratorPatts Brush Collection For IllustratorPatts Brush Collection For IllustratorPatts Brush Collection For Illustrator