patch rubber pvc timbul logo the smurfs army sniper 3D / rubber patch karakter the smurfs / tempelan emblem karet velcro
patch rubber pvc timbul logo the smurfs army sniper 3D / rubber patch karakter the smurfs / tempelan emblem karet velcro
Deskripsi singkat
Aksesoris Fashion > Aksesoris Tambahan > Bordir > patch rubber pvc timbul logo the smurfs army sniper 3D / rubber patch karakter the smurfs / tempelan emblem karet velcro
Detail patch rubber pvc timbul logo the smurfs army sniper 3D / rubber patch karakter the smurfs / tempelan emblem karet velcro
Harga tertera satuan!!!
bahan karet PVC 3D timbul
di pada bagian belakang ada vekcro keras sangat menjaga kerapian dan kebersihan patch . fungsi patch rubber.. bisa di tempel ke tas,topi,kaos tactical,helm mic dan berkaitan dgn fashion tactical. tp ingat !!! yg ada perekat lembut nya ya.. supaya bs nempel. istilah,, jantan dan betina. velcro kasar jantan , velcro lembut betina
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Gambar produk
patch rubber pvc timbul logo the smurfs army sniper 3D / rubber patch karakter the smurfs / tempelan emblem karet velcropatch rubber pvc timbul logo the smurfs army sniper 3D / rubber patch karakter the smurfs / tempelan emblem karet velcropatch rubber pvc timbul logo the smurfs army sniper 3D / rubber patch karakter the smurfs / tempelan emblem karet velcro