Detail Parklon PVC cozy heim Hot air Baloon and alphabet train
"Size : 210cmX140cm Tebel : 1.5cm . Welcome all, lets us welcome ""cozy heim"". The most premium brand playmat for pvc material. . By using the highest quality of raw resin material in korea. Produced by the best manufacturer in the world with LG technology. PVC mat was first created by LG chemical in Korea and now become the pioneer leading factory in the world. Being part of LG technology, we honourly announce that our product is the best premium PVC. . Apasih perbedaan Cozy Heim sm Parklon PVC XL? Kenapa lebih mahal? Karnaaaa cozyheim bahannya lebih softttt lebih lembuttt dr pada parklon pvc xl dalam ukuran juga beda yaaa tapi ttp sama PVC"
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Parklon PVC cozy heim Hot air Baloon and alphabet train