Detail Parfum Mini Size for Woman by Yourhappinessgift | Parfum Wanita Inspired Parfum Mewah Murah
Parfum By Yourhappinessgift 💓 ISI 30ML
Parfum mengandung alkohol ✅ Tahan 1-2 jam tergantung suhu dan aktivitas kalian yaa dear
DESKRIPSI AROMA : • GLAMOUR (dupe of Black Opium) Wanginya sedikit strong, elegan, campuran antara vanilla, flowers & coffee
• CHARMING (dupe of Sweet Vanilla) Wanginya sedikit strong, elegan, aroma sweet & vanilla
• JOYFUL (dupe of Peach Baby) Wanginya fresh, soft, wangi khas dari buah peach yang memadukan aroma segar sekaligus manis secara bersamaan
• FRESHY (dupe of Jo Malone English Pear) Wanginya fresh, soft, cantik, perpaduan antara floral & flowers
• ROMANTIC (dupe of Victoria’s Secret Romantic) Wanginya fresh, soft, kalem, feminim, sedikit manis, perpaduan antara bunga freesia & cucumber
Happy Shopping 🦋
With Love, Your Happiness Gift
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Parfum Mini Size for Woman by Yourhappinessgift | Parfum Wanita Inspired Parfum Mewah MurahParfum Mini Size for Woman by Yourhappinessgift | Parfum Wanita Inspired Parfum Mewah MurahParfum Mini Size for Woman by Yourhappinessgift | Parfum Wanita Inspired Parfum Mewah Murah