Detail ❤ PAMELA ❤ Blush On Implora Cheek and Blossom
1 kg = 56 pcs Implora Cheek Blossom Blush On hadir dengan 4 pilihan warna natural dan matte finish yang menyempurnakan setiap penampilan perempuan Indonesia.
IMPLORA Cheek Blossom Blush On, Tersedia dalam 4 varian : 01 - Coral Peach POM NA18201200462 02 - Dusty Rose POM NA18201200463 03 - Pink Candy POM NA18201200461 04 - Sweet Salmon POM NA18201201818 📢 Untuk Mengurangi Kerusakan akibat Pengiriman Mohon Untuk Menambahkan buble wrap tambahan yang tersedia di etalase ya kak 😍🙏
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❤ PAMELA ❤ Blush On Implora Cheek and Blossom❤ PAMELA ❤ Blush On Implora Cheek and Blossom❤ PAMELA ❤ Blush On Implora Cheek and Blossom❤ PAMELA ❤ Blush On Implora Cheek and Blossom❤ PAMELA ❤ Blush On Implora Cheek and Blossom❤ PAMELA ❤ Blush On Implora Cheek and Blossom❤ PAMELA ❤ Blush On Implora Cheek and Blossom❤ PAMELA ❤ Blush On Implora Cheek and Blossom❤ PAMELA ❤ Blush On Implora Cheek and Blossom