Detail Paket Tune Up Series Power Up plus Engine Cleaning Fluid 60ml [M-One]
1 paket Tune Up Series M-one Mendapatkan: 1 pcs Fuel Power Up 60ml 1 pcs Engine Cleaning Fluid 60ml
Kegunaan Power Up adalah melindungi dari kehausan mesin, melindungi bagian-bagian mesin, mengurangi gesekan mesin, mengurangi suhu dalam pengoperasian mesin dan melindungi penyumbatan bebas. Cara menggunakan: 1. Masukan cairan kedalam tangki bensin ( 1 botol untuk 4 liter bahan bakar) 2. Biarkan motor menyala sekitar 10 menit setelah tercampur merata. 3. Mainkan gas selama 3 menit kemudian matikan mesin.
Kegunaan Engine Cleaning Fluid adalah melunakan kotoran dan membersihkan mesin dalam waktu 5 menit, membantu mengoptimalkan sirkulasi, mencegah valve dan lifters dari kemacetan serta menghilangkan endapan-endapan yang dapat mengurangi tenaga mesin. Cara Menggunakan: 1. Masukan cairan ke tangki oli (dengan oli yang sudah mau diganti) 2. Hidupkan mesin selama 10 menit 3. Mainkan gas selama 3 menit kemudian matikan mesin 4. Kuras tangki oli dan masukan oli baru.
1 Tune Up Series M-one package: - 1 pcs Fuel Power Up 60ml - 1 pcs Engine Cleaning Fluid 60ml
The purpose of Power Up is to protect against engine wear, protect engine parts, reduce engine friction, reduce engine operating temperature and protect free clogging. How to use: 1. Put the liquid into the gas tank (1 bottle for 4 liters of fuel) 2. Let the motorcycle run for about 10 minutes to run the liquid throughout the motorcycle 3. Turn up the gas for 3 minutes then turn off the engine.
The purpose of the Engine Cleaning Fluid is to soften dirt and clean the engine in 5 minutes, helps optimize circulation, prevent valves and lifters from jamming and remove deposits that can reduce engine power. How to use: 1. Put the liquid into the oil tank (with the oil that you want to replace) 2. Turn on the engine for 10 minutes 3. Turn up the gas for 3 minutes then turn off the engine. 4. Drain the oil tank and input new oil.
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Paket Tune Up Series Power Up plus Engine Cleaning Fluid 60ml [M-One]Paket Tune Up Series Power Up plus Engine Cleaning Fluid 60ml [M-One]Paket Tune Up Series Power Up plus Engine Cleaning Fluid 60ml [M-One]