PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET

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Detail PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET

Spesifikasi Dinamo:
Model: 775.
ada 4 type sbb :
3) D-AXIS SHAFT + BRACKET +Power Supply
4) PLUS GEAR + BRACKET +Power Suplly

Voltase: DC 12V-36V.
Current Rating: 1,16 A.
Kecepatan: 7500 RPM - 15000RPM.
Ukuran sesuai dengan gambar
warna: Silver.
Bahan: Metal.
Berat dinamo : 347gr

Spesifikasi Bracket:
Ketebalan: 3mm.
Material: BESI ... High Quality metal
Warna: Hitam.

**Power Supply for Motor 775 12-24V

Input : 220V

Output : 12V-15V-16V-18V-20V-24V

Max : 4,5A ===>96 wattt

**Kabel 5.5*2.1 female pure copper power cord 10A===> 1pcs

**KAbel 5.5*2.1 ON-OFF===>1 pcs

Yang didapatkan dari paket:
1x Dinamo 775
1x Bracket Dinamo 775
2x baut
1x bubble wrap dan kardus
1X Power Supply DC 775

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PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET
PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET
PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET
PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET
PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET
PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET
PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET
PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET
PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET
PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET
PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET
PAKET!!! Dinamo Motor DC 775 plus Power SUPPLY and BRACKET