Detail ORIGINAL Steamer Facial uap wajah Vapozone standing Facial Steamer Deep Cleaning
Features: 1. Softens necrotic cells on the surface of the skin, forremoval in subsequent care procedures. 2. safer for personal use. 3. Steam can penetrate into the pores, softening thegrease, blackheads, cosmetic residues and dirt accumulatedin the pores for easy removal. 4. Helps pores to excrete toxins and temporarily softenwrinkles. Open the pores for deep cleaning. 5. Promotes blood circulation, replenishes water in cells,improves cell metabolism and repairs. 6. It has functions of generating ozone, so as to speed upskin nutrition absorption. 7. Suitable for professional beauty salon or personal careuse. 8. Stable stand base, easy to move around.
Manfaat dari uap panas: Steamer wajah adalah alat yang digunakan di salon, spa, dan tempat peristirahatan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan kulit. Anda juga dapat membeli Facial steamer untuk digunakan di rumah. Mereka ringan, portabel dan digunakan untuk peremajaan kulit dan relaksasi. Facial steamer menawarkan banyak manfaat kulit serta manfaat kesehatan.
Deskripsi: Steamer Uap Hot Vapozone adalah alat perawatan kecantikan kulit wajah. Berfungsi untuk memanaskan air didalam tabung sehingga dapat menghasilkan uap. Uap air tersebut dialirkan melalui pipa yang ada dialam mesin tersebut, kemudian uap tersebut diarahkan ke wajah klien. cocok untuk kebutuhan facial wajah..
Gambar produk
ORIGINAL Steamer Facial uap wajah Vapozone standing Facial Steamer Deep CleaningORIGINAL Steamer Facial uap wajah Vapozone standing Facial Steamer Deep CleaningORIGINAL Steamer Facial uap wajah Vapozone standing Facial Steamer Deep CleaningORIGINAL Steamer Facial uap wajah Vapozone standing Facial Steamer Deep CleaningORIGINAL Steamer Facial uap wajah Vapozone standing Facial Steamer Deep CleaningORIGINAL Steamer Facial uap wajah Vapozone standing Facial Steamer Deep CleaningORIGINAL Steamer Facial uap wajah Vapozone standing Facial Steamer Deep CleaningORIGINAL Steamer Facial uap wajah Vapozone standing Facial Steamer Deep CleaningORIGINAL Steamer Facial uap wajah Vapozone standing Facial Steamer Deep Cleaning