Detail Original KLEA Obat Freon AC Mobil Kulkas HFC 134 A 134a Isi 390 Gram
Harga 1 Pcs
*Khusus produk cairan,pengiriman keluar dari sumatera utara dan aceh harus menggunakan pengiriman JNE Trucking atau POS INDONESIA
Freon AC tipe HFC-134a ukuran 390gram. Barang dijamin Baru, asli dan original yg sudah pasti berlogo kuning. dapat digunakan untuk AC mobil maupun lemari pendingin.
WARNING! High pressure liquefied gas cause severe injury. 1. Do not expose the can to temperatures Over 40°C (104°F) 2. Do not heat the can above 40°C (104°F) 3. Do not incinerate the can
- Severe injury, blindness, frostbite could result if the following safety instructions are not adhered to. - Wear safety glasses or goggles when handling. - Do not leave the can on the engine or radiator. - Do not apply a pressure of more than IMPa (10Kgf/cm²,145psi) to the can. - Do not refill the can with refrigerant. - Do not expose the can to direct heat from the sun. - Do not drop or damage. - Do not store in a corrosive atmosphere.
Gambar produk
Original KLEA Obat Freon AC Mobil Kulkas HFC 134 A 134a Isi 390 Gram