(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes

Pakaian Wanita > Jaket, Mantel, & Rompi > Blazer > (ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
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Detail (ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes

Reiva blazer dresk :

Bahan : Organza *TRANSPARAN
Ukuran : All size
Size detail : Lingkar Dada : Up to 128cm
Panjang dr dada : 47cm
Panjang Lengan : 57cm


Chain blazer desk :
**Free belt fashion
Bahan : Twiscone
Ukuran : All size
Size detail : Lingkar Dada : 124-134cm
Panjang : 78cm
Panjang Lengan : 63cm
Lingkar Lengan : 34cm


Abby blazer desk :

Bahan : Baby Canvas
Ukuran : All size
Size detail
Lingkar Dada M : Up to 100cm
Lingkar dada L : Up to 104cm
Panjang 68cm

Gambar produk

(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes
(ORIGINAL IMPORT) Abby flow blazer - Thejanclothes