Neobun Gel Analgesic Plaster Medicated Patch Relief Pain 7 cm x 10 cm.
PLESTER KOYO yang terdapat GEL. Asal : Thailand
Berfungsi utk : - Meredakan nyeri/sakit otot dan sendi - Membantu melancarkan sirkulasi darah
Tersedia 2 varian : - COOL (Hijau) - WARM (Merah)
Size : 7 X 10 cm. Quantity : 1 pack isi 2 plasters
Petunjuk Pemakaian : - bersihkan dan keringkan area tubuh yang akan ditempelkan koyo Gel - Copotkan plastik pelindung gel ny dan tempelkan plester - Tempelkan plester gel tersebut pada area tubuh yang sakit/pegal - Stop penggunaan saat masa kehamilan, menyusui, dan bila muncul iritasi kulit - Jangan di tempelkan pada area kulit yang luka terbuka
Simpan di tempat sejuk.
The gel patch for relieving muscle pains Neobun is an effective tool for relieving muscle pain, especially when stretching and overstraining. The patch has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, improves local blood circulation. Comfortable gel, soft form allows the plaster to fit tightly to the skin, taking any shape that allows you to easily carry it under your clothes. The patch does not have warming properties, on the contrary, it will cool painful places on your body and relieve pain and inflammation. In addition, the plaster can be glued to the places of mosquito bites and various nests for the removal of itching. The plaster is impregnated with natural vegetable oils of peppermint and eucalyptus. The composition of impregnation is also menthol and camphor. The gel patch is very simple to use, does not stain and leaves no residue on clothes. Compact and light packaging, in contrast to tubes with ointment, allows you to wear a patch even in a handbag without feeling weight. At any time, if unexpected pain in the back (sciatica), in the joints (arthritis), in the neck (osteochondrosis), pain in the legs (rheumatic fever) overtake you on the road, at work, on vacation, you can always use the "first aid "- an anti-inflammatory analgesic plaster.
Benefits : Relieves muscular aches, pain sprains
Directions : Clean and dry area of application. Peel off the protective film and apply plaster to the effected area and change the plaster once or twice a day.