Detail Original E3D Revo Six E3D V6 Hotend Full Kit with Revo Heatercore
Original E3D Revo Six E3D V6 Hotend Full Kit with Revo Heatercore
Fitur : - Menggunakan model hotend mirip dengan E3D lama jadi bisa langsung plug n play dengan hotend lama E3D V6 - Menggunakan Revo Nozzles, bisa ganti nozzle dengan gampang tanpa perlu memanaskan hotend - Menggunakan Heatercore Revo, memanaskan hotend lebih cepat dan tahan temperature tinggi
Spesfiikasi : - Max temp: 300°C - Filament diameter: 1.75mm - Groove mount - Voltage: 12V or 24V - Power: 40W
Includes : - 1 x Revo Six heatsink - 1 x Revo HeaterCore 12V or 24V - 1 x Spring - 1 x Extension cable kit - 1 x 100mm PTFE tube - 1 x 0.40 Brass Revo Nozzle
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Original E3D Revo Six E3D V6 Hotend Full Kit with Revo HeatercoreOriginal E3D Revo Six E3D V6 Hotend Full Kit with Revo Heatercore