Detail Original E3D Nozzle PRO Pack 1.75mm Mix Size from UK
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Original E3D Nozzle PRO Pack 1.75mm Mix Size from UK
0.15mm The ultimate nozzle for ‘wow-factor’ tiny printing - recommended for use with high flow materials like MG94 and MatX. We’ve printed intricate castles only 2 cm high with every tiny detail still visible, right down to the steps of the spiral staircase. Requires care and attention to use well, keeping contamination out of the nozzle and careful cooling but the results are worth the effort.
0.8mm For BIG layers, aesthetically stunning, stronger parts, & faster printing. The 0.8mm volcano nozzle was so popular we introduced this 0.8mm to our standard V6 range. It's not quite as fast as a volcano, but still lets you try this style of printing without changing your HotEnd.
0.25mm Allows you to resolve fine details in small parts, but is easier to use than a 0.15mm nozzle. Made in high-conductivity copper with a non-stick nickel coating this will result in clean, detailed prints.
0.4mm Our ‘standard’ nozzle size of choice. The nickel coating has low surface energy which reduces plastic adhesion, and has potential to increase flow rate. Copper alloy also performs better at higher temperatures than other nozzles. Great for sticky materials like TPUs and PET-Gs as well as extreme temperature polymers like Ultem.
Hardened Steel
0.4mm Harder, and more resistant to exotic abrasive filaments like carbon fibre, metal-filled PLA and glow in the dark PLA . It affords a near-infinite lifespan compared to brass when printing abrasives.
0.6mm Achieve a fine combination of precision and speed. The benefits of hardened steel’s incredible wear resistance and strong interlayer adhesion. Recommended with carbon fibre composites for ultimate strength parts.
E3D Nozzle Spanner Just a handy spanner for swapping out your nozzles. It works with all E3D nozzles.
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Original E3D Nozzle PRO Pack 1.75mm Mix Size from UKOriginal E3D Nozzle PRO Pack 1.75mm Mix Size from UKOriginal E3D Nozzle PRO Pack 1.75mm Mix Size from UKOriginal E3D Nozzle PRO Pack 1.75mm Mix Size from UK