Detail Original 220v REX C-100 SSR DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER C100 thermostat
Terbaru di HANSARANG.ID hanya dapat rex c100 saja, tanpa ssr dan thermocouple*********REX C100 TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER (REX-C100 FK02-V*DA) OUTPUTnya SSR jadi disambung ke SSRadalah modul controller/thermostat digital untuk mengendalikan ON/OFF pemanas (Heater), mesin penetas telur dan alat pemanas lainnya.******utk paket lengkap dgn SSR relay*********-- Probe Sensor Thermocouple yang compatible K**Spesifikasi:Model: REX-C100 Temperature Controller KitMeasuring accuracy: 0.5% FSCold-end compensation tolerance: ~2C (can be modified by software in 0~50C)Resolution: 14 bitSampling cycle: 0.5 SecPower supply: 220V ACIndicator Process value (PV), Setting value (SV) Output, alarm and self-tuning: LEDPIN control: Self-tuning (including ON/OFF, step-type PID and continuous PID)OUTPUT : SSRAlarm function output: 1 wayContact capacity of output: 250V AC 3A (resistive load)Setting value (SV): identical to measuring range (PV)Integral time (I) and Derivative time (D) : 0 ~ 3600 sec (No integral action when set to 0)Heat-reset proportional cycle: 1 ~ 100 secDetective temp range: 0 to 400CPower consumption: 10 VAThermocouple type: K,J,S,E,R,B,N,T,PT100Size: 48x48x110mmProbe Sensor Suhu Thermocouple Type K, sebagai sensor untuk mendeteksi suhu 0-400C dan banyak dipakai pada thermostat, thermometer, sensor dan berbagai pengendali suhu lainnya.**Kelengkapan:1pcs REX C100 Controller1lbr User Manual
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Original 220v REX C-100 SSR DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER C100 thermostatOriginal 220v REX C-100 SSR DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER C100 thermostat