Detail OPPO Abdominal binder 2162 korset ibu hamil
The OPPO Elastic Abdominal Binder provides strong and comfortable support to help to relieve the debilitating back pain often suffered by pregnant women.
It is specially shaped to provide full support in the sacra region and over the symphysis pubis.
The OPPO Elastic Abdominal binder is made from 4-ways stretch spandex with cotton lining. This helps to keep your skin dry and comfortable with a super absorbent lining that provides both comfort and durability.
sizing: dapat dilihat pada gamabr slide terakhir
untuk mengurangi rasa sakit pada pinggang belakang untuk ibu hamil
untuk extra support dapat mengambil 1 size lebi kecil.
Gambar produk
OPPO Abdominal binder 2162 korset ibu hamilOPPO Abdominal binder 2162 korset ibu hamilOPPO Abdominal binder 2162 korset ibu hamil