In One Night Ultimate Super Villains, players take on the roles of heroes or villains, each with amazing superpowers that help further their cause. The vile trio of Rapscallion, Dr. Peeker, and Henchman #7 are intent on getting away with their crimes, while the members of the Super Club Of Overt Powers (SCOOP), are all out to catch them. Shady Grove — maybe even the world — will never be the same. One Night Ultimate Super Villains is a standalone game in the One Night series that's perfect for the whole family to enjoy, challenging you to capture the baddies and save the world! Super Villains can also be combined with the other entries in the series — One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Daybreak, Vampire, and Alien — to create even more fun and chaos. The game also includes a free companion app which guides players through the different player actions during the night phase of the game.
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one night super villains board gameone night super villains board gameone night super villains board gameone night super villains board gameone night super villains board game