suplemen alami utk anjing dan kucing,kaya akan omega 3 &6 , sumber fatty acids, sperti EPA dan DHA yg memiliki banyak manfaat bagi hewan anda. pemberian rutin utk menjaga kesehatan kulit, bebas gatal, dan pengelupasan kulit. juga membantu pertumbuhan bulu g tebal dan lebat.
ISI 15ML Sangat bagus buat permasalahan kulit pada cat n dog anda bisa mengatasi ketombe dan sakit kulit made in holland Beaphar Salmon Oil is a delicious natural supplement suitable for dogs and cats, derived from sustainable fisheries.
It is naturally rich in omega 6 and omega 3 oils, which means it is a good source of essential fatty acids like EPA and DHA. The health benefits of such nutrients are widely recognised. We particularly recommend its regular use to help your pet maintain a healthy skin condition, free from itchy, flaky patches. It will also help your pet naturally develop a thick, lustrous coat. Some pet owners find it a good way of increasing the palatability of their pet's normal dry food.
Cara Pemakaian : Teteskan 5-10 tetes ke makanan kucing (wet/dry food) Pemakaian dapat di lakukan setiap hari ;)