OEDO DEPILATORY CREAM/BODY HAIR REMOVAL CREAM Cream Penghilang Bulu Tubuh (Pria/Wanita) Aman, Permanen tanpa rasa sakit Netto: 40gr ED :2024 Cocok utk semua jenis kulit
Khasiat: Formula baru penghilang bulu seluruh tubuh, mengandung ekstrak ginseng, bulu di tubuh akan hilang/rontok dengan cepat, bisa utk seluruh tubuh, tanpa rasa sakit, mudah dihilangkan/dibilas Aplikasikan pada area tubuh yg ingin dihilangkan bulunya, seperti: di bawah ketiak, kaki, tangan dll
Usage Method: After moistening the area that needs to be depilated with a mild wet towel, apply this product evenly to the hair removal site then wipe depilatory Cream evenly with the special tool included. Usage amount should be fully covered with body hairabout 2 mm thickand keep for 5-8minutes depending on thickness of body hair. Gently wipe with a special tool or use a towel along the opposite direction of hair growth and then clean with water.
Note:If you have any skin discomfort, please stop using it.