Terbuat dari 99,99% collodial silver. terdapat 120ppm (kandungannya 5x lipat lebih tinggi dibanding yang ada dipasaran.) Collodial Silver adalah ion perak murni yang natural dan aman untuk digunakan hewan/manusia.
Dapat digunakan untuk mengobati infeksi bakteri, virus, mau pun jamur pada mata, telinga, dan kulit. bisa juga di minum untuk meningkat imun.
Skin Application Colloidal silver can be used topically for open wounds and skin infections like hot spots, ringworm, wounds and burns. It will feel soothing to your pet while it helps to heal the skin by repairing any tissue damage.
Ear Application Colloidal silver can be great for treating ear infections. The liquid can be dropped directly into the ears (3-4 drops into each infected ear) to help fight off bacteria
Eye Application Colloidal silver can also help treat eye problems like infections, allergies, inflammation and tear staining. It can be applied directly