OB2263AP OB2263 OB 2263 Current Mode PWM Controller IC DIP-8

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Detail OB2263AP OB2263 OB 2263 Current Mode PWM Controller IC DIP-8

OB2263AP OB2263 OB 2263 Current Mode PWM Controller IC DIP-8

*** Minimal Pemesanan Adalah Rp.20.000, Belum Termasuk Ongkir (Bisa di gabung dengan barang lain). ***

Barang sama/sesuai dengan foto diatas (Difoto oleh team toko kami).

■ On-Bright Proprietary Frequency Shuffling
Technology for Improved EMI Performance.
■ Extended Burst Mode Control For Improved
Efficiency and Minimum Standby Power Design
■ Audio Noise Free Operation
■ External Programmable PWM Switching
■ Internal Synchronized Slope Compensation
■ Low VDD Startup Current and Low Operating
Current (1.4mA)
■ Leading Edge Blanking on Current Sense Input
■ Good Protection Coverage With Auto SelfRecovery
o VDD Over Voltage Clamp and Under Voltage
Lockout with Hysteresis (UVLO)
o Gate Output Maximum Voltage Clamp (18V)
o On-Bright Proprietary Line Input Compensated
Cycle-by-Cycle Over-current Threshold Setting
For Constant Output Power Limiting Over
Universal Input Voltage Range.
o Overload Protection (OLP)
Offline AC/DC flyback converter for
■ Battery Charger
■ Power Adaptor
■ Set-Top Box Power Supplies
■ Open-frame SMPS

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Gambar produk

OB2263AP OB2263 OB 2263 Current Mode PWM Controller IC DIP-8
OB2263AP OB2263 OB 2263 Current Mode PWM Controller IC DIP-8