Double head design for quick makeup. One side eye tail seal, one side eyeliner liquid, a print a stroke, easy to create the upper pick cat eye. Elastic sponge head, light pressure without bifurcation, easy for beginners to control; The eye end of the seal is formed by one printing, and it is lightly picked up. The liquid eyeliner is used for thick black color rendering, accurate description, excellent smooth and not broken; The upper eye quickly dries into a film, lasting solid color, waterproof, sweating and no dizzy makeup. New sharp weapon, light up your eyes.
【Usage and precautionary measures】 1. Along the roots of the eyelashes, First draw from the center of the eye to the tip of the eye, and then painted from the eye to the middle eye 2. Try to avoid contact with foreign objects, otherwise the liner will not paint smoothly 3. After use, close the lid immediately
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