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Seluruh produk yang kami jual merupakan : 100% Original 100% BNIB 100% Garansi Resmi What you see is what you get
Kepuasan agan adalah prioritas utama kami :)
Polar Pattern Cardioid 3.5mm Audio Jack 90 Degree Angle Adjustment Plug And Play Full Case Case & Angle Adjustment Sound Card Adapter
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Product Name : NYK APOLLO MCA-06 Pattern : CARDIOID Koneksi : 3.5mm Audio Jack to 3-Pin XLR Sensitivitas : 17.2 MV / PA Beban Impedansi : 1000 Rasio S/N : 87dBA Rentang Dinamis : 137dBA Arus Listrik : 4mA Tegangan Suplai : 48V 4V Berat : 325g Material Mikrofon : Zinc Alloy Dimensi Mikrofon : 145 x 52 x 36 mm
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NYK Nemesis MCA-06 Apollo - MCA06 MCA 06 Condenser MicrophoneNYK Nemesis MCA-06 Apollo - MCA06 MCA 06 Condenser MicrophoneNYK Nemesis MCA-06 Apollo - MCA06 MCA 06 Condenser Microphone