Detail NUOBELL FLEXBELL 32KG Adjustable Dumbell barbel BOWFLEX KETTLER PROFLEX Alat angkat berat
NUOBELL FLEXBELL 32KG Adjustable Dumbell
FREE ONGKOS KIRIM maksimal ongkos kirim yang akan kami tanggung Rp 200,000,-
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RESELLER Pembelian di atas 500 dumbell akan kami berikan harga khusus
The Flexbell offers a space-saving solution to gym designs where a full dumbbell set would take up too much room, but freeweights are a ‘must-have’. For those of you on the lookout for a full strength training solution for a home gym then this is the answer! Combined with a lightweight folding gym bench, dumbbells are about as versatile as you can get and offer the ability for a total body workout.
Fitur : - Material Plate BESI - Ubah beban hanya dengan sekali putaran gagang, sangat praktis - Increment : 2KG-4KG-8KG-12KG-16KG-20KG-24KG-28KG-32KG
*produk ini merupakan produk dari manufacture China , karena itu kami bisa menjual jauh lebih murah dari original produknya
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NUOBELL FLEXBELL 32KG Adjustable Dumbell barbel BOWFLEX KETTLER PROFLEX Alat angkat beratNUOBELL FLEXBELL 32KG Adjustable Dumbell barbel BOWFLEX KETTLER PROFLEX Alat angkat beratNUOBELL FLEXBELL 32KG Adjustable Dumbell barbel BOWFLEX KETTLER PROFLEX Alat angkat beratNUOBELL FLEXBELL 32KG Adjustable Dumbell barbel BOWFLEX KETTLER PROFLEX Alat angkat berat