NET-0001 ========
Nrf24 harus di includekan dengan capacitor 10uF link produk di bawah berikut :
Deskripsi: ================================= Agan butuh komunikasi antar arduino jarak jauh tanpa kabel dengan biaya murmer? Modul ini jawabanya gan, NRF24L01+ :D
Modul wireless 2.4GHz ini bekerja dengan level tegangan 3.3V gan. Untuk hasil maksimal, pastikan agan menggunakan power supply external 3.3V untuk menjaga stabilitas tegangan. Dengan arduino host nya, NRF24L01 ini menggunakan komunikasi SPI.
So, silahkan di ORDER gan !!!! :D
NRF24L01 is a work in the 2.4-2.5GHz worldwide ISM band single-chip transceiver, wireless transceiver, including: the frequency generator the enhanced SchockBurstTM mode controller power amplifier crystal amplifier modulator demodulator output power channel selection and protocol set by the SPI interface to set a very low current consumption, lower current consumption mode 12.3mA Power-down mode and standby mode when in transmit mode emission power 6dBm when current consumption is 9.0mA acceptance model. Ball to open ISM band maximum 0dBm transmit power, license-exempt use.
Fitur: ================================= - Maximum operating speeds up to 2Mbps, GFSK modulation efficiency, Anti-interference ability, Particularly suitable for industrial control applications. - 125 Channels, Multi-point communication and frequency hopping to meet the communication needs - Built-in hardware CRC error detection, Multipoint communication address control. - Low-power 6V, only 1uA on Power down mode - Built-in 2.4Ghz antenna - Available software to set the address, only received local Address when output data(Provide interrupt instruction), can be directly connected to a variety of microcontrollers, Software programming is very convenient. - Built-in voltage regulator - Standard DIP Pitch Interface for embedded applications