Nitendo switch accessories Ipega essential kit 12in1 storage bag card case screen guard thumb grip silicone case type-c cable pg sw052
Nitendo switch accessories Ipega essential kit 12in1 storage bag card case screen guard thumb grip silicone case type-c cable pg sw052
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Elektronik > Video Game > Switch > Nitendo switch accessories Ipega essential kit 12in1 storage bag card case screen guard thumb grip silicone case type-c cable pg sw052
Detail Nitendo switch accessories Ipega essential kit 12in1 storage bag card case screen guard thumb grip silicone case type-c cable pg sw052
Docooler iPega PG-SW052 Bundle 12 in 1 Essential Kit with Playing Card Holder Cases + Thumb Grips + Screen Protector + Silicone Case + Type C Cable + Carry Case Compatible with N Switch
Economical and indispensable 12 in 1 bundle, compatible with switch. Package Contents:Comes with a carry case, 4 blue / green playing card holders, 1 screen protector, a pair of thumb grips and silicone cases, a piece of dry and wet cloth, a cleaning cloth, a dust absorber and a type C cable. Silicone caps and cases fit perfectly with thumb pen and gamepad. Includes a cleaning cloth, dry wipes, wet wipes and dust absorbers for easy application of the screen protector. Keeps everything in the shockproof TPU carrying case with separate compartments for easy organization.
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Nitendo switch accessories Ipega essential kit 12in1 storage bag card case screen guard thumb grip silicone case type-c cable pg sw052Nitendo switch accessories Ipega essential kit 12in1 storage bag card case screen guard thumb grip silicone case type-c cable pg sw052Nitendo switch accessories Ipega essential kit 12in1 storage bag card case screen guard thumb grip silicone case type-c cable pg sw052