Detail Nihongo Challenge for JLPT N4 Grammar & Reading Practice
Nihongo Challenge for JLPT N4 Grammar & Reading Practice is divided into two parts: grammar and reading comprehension. It contains 150 sentence patterns and conjunctions which you can immediately put to use in everyday situations.
Part 1 contains 32 grammar lessons, and Part 2 covers 15 reading practices. In the grammar section, after every fourth lesson is a short section of review practices and at the end a longer section with comprehensive exercises.
This book was made for those who cannot attend classes due to work commitments, or who became discouraged and gave up studying because of overly complex textbooks. There are a lot of improvements in this textbook which every Japanese learners can enjoy and continue studying.
The Nihongo Challenge for JLPT N4 Grammar & Reading Practice features:
The characters are people whom readers can easily relate to.The contexts are chosen from everyday life situations.Numerous illustrations are included to facilitate understanding.Readings of kanji are shown below kanji when it appears for the first time.Translation is given in English and Portuguese.
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Nihongo Challenge for JLPT N4 Grammar & Reading PracticeNihongo Challenge for JLPT N4 Grammar & Reading Practice