Hampir semua produk kami tersedia. Mohon pertimbangkan dengan seksama kebutuhan untuk membeli sebelum melakukan pemesanan , Harap jangan membatalkan pesanan Anda setelah 24 jam memesan !!! Karena kami biasanya mengirim pada hari Anda melakukan pemesanan atau hari berikutnya. Logistik tidak akan perbarui sampai China Sorting Center memindai parsel, harap tunggu pembaruan logistik dengan sabar. Pelanggan kami biasanya menerima barang mereka 10-15 hari setelah melakukan pemesanan.•Item:Car Tire Valve Caps •Material:stainless steel alloy •Parcel including one set car Logo tire valve caps •100% brand new and high quality •Best decoration and protection for your car
▪ Shopee Standard Express requires sellers to send packages to China Sorting Center.We will send the parcel within 3 days,and it usually takes 1 day arrive at China Sorting Center.In this periord,the logistic will not update.With so many sellers using Shopee Standard Express, it takes time to scan packages and update logistics information,please wait patiently. ▪ If you are not satisfied with our shipping time, please do not make an order and please do not cancel your order after 1 days of ordering! Thank you!
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