Detail Next Level Racing S025 F-GT Lite iRacing Edition Simulator Cockpit
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⚠️Diwajibkan untuk rekam video saat unboxing barang (TANPA DI PAUSE / CUT) agar terdapat bukti valid jika misal ada cacat fisik / kerusakan saat diterima.⚠️ Tanpa adanya video ini, maka garansi tukar tidak berlaku! Silahkan baca ketentuan, jam kerja serta kebijakan garansi MEMBELI = SUDAH MEMBACA & SETUJU
📛 Spesifikasi : ❇️ iRacing® branded cockpit with a free 12-month iRacing® subscriptions for new users ❇️ Changes from Formula to GT racing positions with ease ❇️ Next Level Racing® Hubs allow for quick adjustments and solid durability ❇️ Adjustable wheel, gear shifter and pedal positions and angle ❇️ Gear Shifter support included and can be installed on left or right side ❇️ Seat made with highly-breathable fabric allowing for maximum comfort ❇️ Easy to store and portable ❇️ Hard mounting solutions for wheel, gear shifters and pedals for rigid racing ❇️ Compatible with all major wheel and pedals and pre-drilled for Logitech®, Thrustmaster®, Fanatec®
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Next Level Racing S025 F-GT Lite iRacing Edition Simulator CockpitNext Level Racing S025 F-GT Lite iRacing Edition Simulator CockpitNext Level Racing S025 F-GT Lite iRacing Edition Simulator CockpitNext Level Racing S025 F-GT Lite iRacing Edition Simulator CockpitNext Level Racing S025 F-GT Lite iRacing Edition Simulator CockpitNext Level Racing S025 F-GT Lite iRacing Edition Simulator Cockpit