Genius KB-100 Keyboard Genius ini kenapa di bilang Smart keyboard karena keyboard ini dilengkapi 1 Tombol Smart Genius (Logo Genius) yang bisa membantu kalian untuk menghemat/mengakses suatu Applikasi, Favorit Internet channel, webiste secara cepat, Dll. Dan asik nya lagi kalian bisa setting sesuka kalian karena dilengkapi dengan 12 function akses yg bisa kalian Custom Sendiri, Karena kami Tahu Waktu adalah uang maka dengan bantuan akses tombol secara cepat ini mebantu menghemat waktu kalian
NB : Wajib Menginstall Applikasi SmartGenius untuk menjalankan Function Smart Genius nya ya.
Fitur : *Customizable Function Key Setting *Personalize Your Favorit *Conduct Your Routine Task With a Single Click *Its Fast (Up effciency by at least 50%) *Its Smart (Turn Complex things to a single simple step) *It has MORE kEYS than you see (The 12 Function Keys can be Uniquely Customized for each App)
SmartGenius App is Required for a smart keyboard to function properly This State-of-the-art Genius Smart Keyboard, toghter with the SnartGenius Application, has elevated the meaning of convenient and ease-of-use to a new high. It bridges you and your most frequently visited web place, favorite internet channels in your country or launching applications with a simple single click. Time is money- the Genius Smart Keyboard saves you from typing of the same many keys and mouse move to arrive those places that you visit often daily
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New Genius Keyboard KB-100 USBNew Genius Keyboard KB-100 USBNew Genius Keyboard KB-100 USB