New Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boy
New Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boy
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Ibu & Bayi > Set & Paket Hadiah > New Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boy
Detail New Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boy
Tidak bisa menerima custom nama dari tgl 17-24 april 2023 yah. dikarenakan libur lebaran, thx🙏😊
Hello beautiful and amazing mommies! 🥰 ------------- Custom Nama Baby Milestone (custom nama bayi FREE) Tema : cactus pastel themed tersedia muslim dan non muslim 🥰
1-2 HARI LANGSUNG KIRIM (kecuali hari sabtu diatas jam 13.00 dan hari minggu, akan dkirim di hari kerja berikutnya🙏🏻🥰) CHAT KAMI BILA RAGU DAN ADA PERTANYAAN (100% FAST RESPON 09.00-21.00)
Baby Milestone Card atau Kartu Selfie Bayi (Kualitasnya dijamin bagus, bahan kertasnya tebel).
Desain original by Little.OX
•Size 4x6 inch / 10,16 x 15,24cm (Kadang ada standard deviasi 0,5 cm - 1 cm ya Mom karena pemotongan) •Art Paper 310 Gsm •round corned (ujung bulat) untuk melindungi tangan baby
Paket per 24 pcs kartu : -Kartu Hello World (untuk newborn baby) -Kartu I am 1 month - 1 year -Kartu First birthday -Kartu Hari raya (silahkan pilih untuk 1 hari raya besar) -Kartu First crawled, ate solid, traveled, walked -Kartu first tooth, haircut, word -Kartu first day at home -Kartu first Aqiqah day (hanya untuk opsi muslim)
kalau paket hemat 16 kartu, isinya : -kartu Hello world -Kartu I am 1 month - 1 year -first birthday -first day at home -kartu hari raya (silahkan pilih 1 hari raya ya)
--------------------------------- •terdapat 2 opsi : 1. Menggunakan I am (saya) 2. Menggunakan nama bayi (custom)
Untuk pemesanan variasi menggunakan nama bayi jangan lupa sertakan di notes/chat : NAMA LENGKAP BABY : NAMA PANGGILAN BABY : BOY/GIRL (Boy akan ada aksen warna biru, Girl akan ada aksen warna peach) 🙏🏻🥰
Cocok sekali dijadikan hadiah / kado buat lahiran :) Happy shopping moms 🤍✨
Reseller dan harga grosir are welcome Silahkan chat admin 🤍✨
New Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boyNew Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boyNew Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boyNew Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boyNew Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boyNew Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boyNew Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boyNew Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boyNew Design Muslim / non muslim Premium Baby Milestone Card free custom name card cactus pastel themed best seller limited edition baby girl and boy