Detail Negative 16 x 2 LCD + Keypad Kit RGB Backlit For Raspberry Pi
Product Features This product integrates a LCD1602, RGB LED and five-key button (Up/Down/Left/Right/Select). Due to limited IO ports on Rpi, it also has a built-in IIC interface extension chip used to connect with Rpi. It is easier to use Python to program, just call function libraries. LCD1602 has screen output which can display two rows with 16 English letters each row. It is suitable for display some simple text information. Five-key button along with LCD1602 provide input interface to make menu selection. RGB LED can display seven colors, depending on different input levels. This plug-and-play product can be directly plugged into Rpi GPIO without later welding. Please download the document from this link: https://www•adrive•com/public/zGq5hm/16x2-chara...