Detail NAMA by LUNA MAYA Play All Day Matte Lipcream / Lip Cream
A moisturizing lip cream with Vitamin E that delivers rich, matte color and nourishes your lips, leaving them smoother, softer and healthier.
-Tahan Lama hingga 8 jam -Warna yang Pigmented -Ringan dan tidak mudah pudar -Hasil yang matte dan tidak kering -Diperkaya dengan Vit. E untuk menutrisi kulit dan mengurangi tanda-tanda penuaan
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NAMA by LUNA MAYA Play All Day Matte Lipcream / Lip CreamNAMA by LUNA MAYA Play All Day Matte Lipcream / Lip CreamNAMA by LUNA MAYA Play All Day Matte Lipcream / Lip CreamNAMA by LUNA MAYA Play All Day Matte Lipcream / Lip CreamNAMA by LUNA MAYA Play All Day Matte Lipcream / Lip CreamNAMA by LUNA MAYA Play All Day Matte Lipcream / Lip CreamNAMA by LUNA MAYA Play All Day Matte Lipcream / Lip CreamNAMA by LUNA MAYA Play All Day Matte Lipcream / Lip Cream