Detail Murmerofficial Kikir Kuku Untuk Manicure Pedicure Mini 5 cm/ Nail Art R574
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✏ ✏ Deskripsi Produk: 1PCS KIKIR KUKU 💎 BERAT = 2g 💎 1KG = 649pcs 💎 2KG = 1149pcs Bahan : Serpihan Kayu + Amplas Ukuran : ± 5 Cm Ketebalan : ± 1.5 MM
How to use 1. Push back cuticle & file the nail surface. (Remember to clean the nail afterwards.) 2. Select the suitable sizes (cut to the correct size if necessary) 3. Carefully remove the transparent protective layer. Then peel it off carefully 4. Position onto the moon of the nail. Make sure the sticker curve touches the cuticle line. Press gently through the central line of the nail plate towards the free edge. 5. Press from the moon towards the nail groove size by size. During this step, squeeze the air out of the sticker to ensure a smooth touch. 6. Cut the excess sticker, and then file the edges gently to make it smooth. 7. To ensure a long lasting result, apply UV topcoat.
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Murmerofficial Kikir Kuku Untuk Manicure Pedicure Mini 5 cm/ Nail Art R574Murmerofficial Kikir Kuku Untuk Manicure Pedicure Mini 5 cm/ Nail Art R574Murmerofficial Kikir Kuku Untuk Manicure Pedicure Mini 5 cm/ Nail Art R574Murmerofficial Kikir Kuku Untuk Manicure Pedicure Mini 5 cm/ Nail Art R574Murmerofficial Kikir Kuku Untuk Manicure Pedicure Mini 5 cm/ Nail Art R574Murmerofficial Kikir Kuku Untuk Manicure Pedicure Mini 5 cm/ Nail Art R574Murmerofficial Kikir Kuku Untuk Manicure Pedicure Mini 5 cm/ Nail Art R574