Munchkin Stay Put Suction Bowl 3 packs Rp. 199.900,- Let's face it. Toddlers can get a little rambunctious at dinner time (make that all the time). But you no longer have to duck for cover from a flying bowl of macaroni & cheese. To help minimize mealtime messes, Munchkin created its Stay-Put Suction Bowls. Just stick the suction to the table or high chair, and lift with the easy release tab when mealtime is done. The bowls have tall, curved sides to help toddlers self-feed, too. Now if only you could keep your toddler in place so easily! The three bowls measure: 4 1/2"L (with handles) x 3 1/2"W x 2"H (holds 3/4 cups) 5 1/2"L (with handles) x 4 1/4"W x 2 1/4"H (holds 1 1/4 cups) 6 1/4"L (with handles x 4 1/2"W x 2 1/2"H (holds 1 3/4 cups). #munchkin #munchkinindo #munchkinindonesia #jualmunchkin #munchkinmurah #munchkinjoelandjanice #perlengkapanbayi #tokobayi#tokoperlengkapanbayi #babyonlineshop #trustedonlineshop #babyshopindonesia #babyshopsemarang #rakbotol #jualrakbotol #rakbotolsusu #jualrakbotolsusu #mpasi #perlengkapanmakanbayi #perlengkapanminumbayi #sendokmakanbayi #piringmakanbayi #MunchkinStayPutSuctionBowl #jualMunchkinStayPutSuctionBowl #joelandjanicejualmunchkin