Mud guard grand innova 2011-2015

Otomotif > Aksesoris Eksterior Mobil > Karpet Lumpur > Mud guard grand innova 2011-2015
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Detail Mud guard grand innova 2011-2015

Mud guard atau karpet lumpur

khusus : Toyota Kijang inova 2011-2015

Bahan plastik abs
Tidak mudah pecah

# Melindungi mobil anda dari cipratan air lumpur ke bodi mobil anda.
# Memper cantik mobil anda terlihat lebih elegan dan exclusive
# Pemasangan mudah anda pun bisa mengerjakannya.
# isi 1set (4pcs untuk semua ban)

Terima kasih.
Mud guard or mud carpet

specifically: Toyota Kijang inova 2011-2015 ABS plastic material Not easy to break Elastic.

# Protects your car from splashing mud onto your car body.
# Beautify your car to look more elegant and exclusive
# Easy installation you can do it.
# fill 1set (4pcs for all tires)

Thank you.

Gambar produk

Mud guard grand innova 2011-2015
Mud guard grand innova 2011-2015