Detail Mouse Gaming HP M100 / HP Gaming Mouse USB M100 / Mouse M100 HP
Video perkenalan produk Mouse Gaming HP M100 / HP Gaming Mouse USB M100 / Mouse M100 HP. Sumber: Shopee.
- Confort Grab Feel. - 4 Button. - Transmision system Red Light - Compatible OS : Windows XP, Windows7, Windows8.1, Windows10 - Built to last : Gaming buttons rated up to 5 million clicks - Quality matters : Strict HP standards and guide lines ensure. - Control your game : Adust your DPI setting(1,000 and 1,600 DPI) for more precise targeting, increased maneuverability or maximum speed. - Optimum performance : High-end optical engine adds precise targeting, pinpoint aracy and consistent response to your gaming arsenal. - Long-lasting quality.
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Mouse Gaming HP M100 / HP Gaming Mouse USB M100 / Mouse M100 HPMouse Gaming HP M100 / HP Gaming Mouse USB M100 / Mouse M100 HPMouse Gaming HP M100 / HP Gaming Mouse USB M100 / Mouse M100 HP