Detail Motion Factory Clasic Full Pack 2.41 Plugins - Premiere Pro & After Effect (Extension)
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.Motion Factory provides you with all the Motion Graphics plug-ins you need to create high-quality motion design. Everything is specially designed for After Effects 2D animation. All the tools you need to create visual effects for After Effects 2D animations are now always at your fingertips. You can create high-quality 2D animation with tools specifically designed for After Effects.
Information about the program (file): Name: Motion Factory Plugins for After Effects RePack by PooShock Key: built Size: 2.37 Gb Version: 2.41 Year of release: 2019 File type: RAR archive Interface Language: Ml / Eng & etc Operating system: Windows® / 7 / 8-10
Description of plug-ins in the software package:
Particle Builder Create effects of cinematic particles, such as sand, dust, fire, and more in After Effects. / Create effects of cinematic particles, such as sand, dust, fire, and more in After Effects.
ActionFX Builder Create professional cartoon FX and Real FX for 2D After Effects animation. / Create professional cartoon FX and Real FX for 2D After Effects animation.
Type builder Create text animation and kinetic typography in After Effects and Premiere Pro. / Create text animation and kinetic typography in After Effects and Premiere Pro.
Hud builder HiTech HUD builder is a powerful After Effects plugin that allows you to quickly create a HUD at the Hollywood level! After Effects plugin at the Hollywood level!
Glitch builder Glitch Builder creates striking Glitch effects with minimal effort and maximum professionalism. / Glitch Builder creates professional effects.
Before installing Motion Factory for After Effects, you need to know if your computer meets the recommended or minimum system requirements: